Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Do you know my name???

We've never really been sure whether Casha actually knew her name or knew our voices and looked when she heard us say her name, maybe even both. Yesterday was confirmation of just how much she does know.
Casha had a pediatrician's appointment yesterday and when the nurse came to the waiting area and called, "Casha", Casha turned her head to look. The direction that Casha turned to look meant she would meet my eye first. However, she kept looking and passed me right up just to stop and look at the nurse standing the in the doorway just a couple of feet away from me. She knows her name alright and she also knows when I'm saying it and when someone else is. I'll take this opportunity to remind everyone again that the child was born completely deaf, nothing in and nothing out. :-D Completely amazing!

Not only has she proven that she knows her name, she's also proven that she knows my name! While in the exam room at the ENT's office, the nurse was chatting with Casha. She asked her a few questions like, "How are you today?" The nurse then asked her, "Where's Mama?" The most amazing thing, Casha immediately turned and looked right at me. I was floored. I didn't even realize she knew what mama meant. I have known for a long time that she knows the sign for Mother but I had no idea she would turn to me when asked.

I'm wondering just how many other things she knows that she's been keeping under wraps. I'll be sure to let you know when she learns, " Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"!

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Love Me Forever!! Who Couldn't?
Our sweet Lil' Princess Buttercup