Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
More concert pics :-)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Just about a year ago and...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Mom and Dad said this was going to be fun...
Can you see who that is standing behind us? The lighting was so bad BACK STAGE! That's Rick Nielsen, Cheap Trick guitarist! (and, yes, that's Rick's signature on my cute little pink guitar.)

These are our seats, 11 rows back! We're waiting for the band now.

Mom barely had to zoom for this shot, we were so close!

Check back for more pictures soon!
Mom and Dad just didn't have time to add them all.
In the photo below, look past the big head wearing the white t shirt.
You see that shiny silver thing? Right in the middle of the picture?
That's our new BFF (best friend forever), Carla.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Thank you Nastia Liukin!!
Ryan left for the race on Thursday morning. It was a typical Thursday, nothing too out of the ordinary. I expected the rest of the day and evening to continue on as uneventful as it began. I was looking forward to a nice quiet evening at home.
It went something like this:
- Fed Casha dinner
- Got Casha in the tub
- Got Casha out of the tub
- Dressed Casha in her jammies
- Read Casha a few books
- Put Casha to bed
- Went downstairs
- Fed the dog
- Let the dog out
- Poured a glass of Shiraz
- Let the dog back in
- Went upstairs to check my email
This is where my plans for an uneventful evening were completely derailed!
You see, just as I sat down and took a sip of my Shiraz I heard a very loud THUD! from Casha's room. This was followed very quickly by a loud SCREAM! from Casha's room.
I knew immediately she had fallen from her crib. I expected that I would pick her up, calm her down, and get her back into her crib. That is not what happened.
As I entered Casha's room, I noticed she wasn't getting up. I thought, "well, she's crying so she didn't knock herself out." As I scooped Casha up off the floor she cried, "arm hurt, arm hurt!" I picked her arm up from where it dangled by her side and noticed that it was doing just that, dangling. In that instant, I recognized a borken arm.
I told Casha, "It's ok sweetie, we're going to go get your arm fixed." I grabbed my purse, took a quick look inside to be sure I had my wallet, threw an extra pull up in, grabbed my keys, and we were out the door.
Before I go any further, I want to add that I had been cleaning house that afternoon. I was wearing the same "lounge around the house pants" I had been sweating in all afternoon as well as the t shirt I'd been sweating in all afternoon. I had a weird, teeny, tiny pony tail in my hair, it's too short for a pony but I had been planning to stay home!
Our experience in the ER was pretty typical. Walk in, register, get an ice pack, sit for a little while, listen for the name SCOTT and determine if they're really calling us or if that was someone's first name. When they do call us, we go in, see the doctor, get some x rays, determine the arm is definitely broken, get a splint made, and pay the ridiculous ER co-pay.
There was some crying during the x rays, no big deal though. I thought for sure Casha would freak out about the splint and she did cry some. However, when she started to cry she turned and looked at me. I wrapped my arms around her chest and told her, "toughen up, no crying. You're a big girl." She looked right into my eyes and said, "ok Mommy" while fighting back the tears. I have never seen a two year old fight back tears like that. It was a proud moment when I realized just how tough that little girl is.
After the splint, we were out of there pretty quickly. It didn't take the financial department long to come in to collect our co-pay and once I took care of that, we were on our way home.
Thursday night, around midnight:

The signatures on her cast are lovingly referred to as tattoos.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Love Me Forever!! Who Couldn't?

Our sweet Lil' Princess Buttercup